The Lighter Side of JzB

Here you will find photos, poetry, and possibly some light-hearted foolishness. For the Heavier Side
of JzB
see my other blog,
Retirement Blues. (There be dragons!)

I claim copyright and reserve all rights for my original material of every type and genre.

Every day visits*
From Moose, Goose, and Orb Weaver
All seized by Haiku

"Why moose and goose?" you may ask. Back on 2/04/13 Pirate wrote a haiku with an elk in it, and I responded with
one with a moose and then included him every day. A few days later in comments Mystic asked "Where's the goose?"
So I started including her with this post on 2/07. A week later on the 14th, Mark Readfern
asked for and received a spider. The rest is history.

*Well, most days, anyway. Grant me a bit of poetic license.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Carpe Diem #136, Haru Ichiban (First Spring Gust)

~ 1 ~

last storm of Winter
might be the first gust of Spring
warm sun follows

~ 2 ~

instead of snow
we get snow plus wind and rain
slippery roads

~ 3 ~

Michigan Springtime
if you are from Florida
is worse than Winter

~ 4 ~

routine fly ball
becomes a four base hit
on wings of wind

~ 5 ~

moose and goose
struggling against wind and rain
sometimes it takes two

~ 6 ~

haru turbulence
web a bouncing trampoline
spider hangs on tight

~ : ~


  1. Lolly -

    Hey - I like that!


  2. I love to think of that old spider hanging on when the wind blows!! You never disappoint, JzB.

  3. All are very nice but last one is amazing! Loved bouncing spider.

  4. Love all of these tho #4 is a bumpa-bove

  5. Lovely set of haiku ~ great messages ~ and Goose and Moose ~ so true most times it takes two ~ enjoy the week ^_^

  6. I simply love the first one. So simple and yet so true

  7. great set but i love the image that the last haiku creates. could almost see it ^^

  8. Wonderful series of haiku JzB. All are little gems, with a smile. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Masterful with a humorous twist - I am always enjoying when reading your haiku, JzB. The first one is wonderful.


This is a fun blog. Light-hearted banter is welcome. Snark is not. If you want to fight, find my other blog.

Play nice, and we'll all have fun.

I like to return visit, when I can - but I need to find you. If you have multiple blogs, please leave a direct link to the appropriate post.
